Author Archives: Emma

Christmas Cheer(s)
About 20 people raised their glasses and gathered for a drink and a chat last Thursday evening at the Quarry. For some it was their first StartUp Tas Shots, while others were regulars. It was fantastic to see members mingling

Christmas Cheer(s)
About 20 people raised their glasses and gathered for a drink and a chat last Thursday evening at the Quarry. For some it was their first StartUp Tas Shots, while others were regulars. It was fantastic to see members mingling
TEDx in Tasmania
Global Technology, Entertainment and Design organisation (TED) will hold a youth-focused event in Tasmania on Sunday. TEDx Youth@Huntingfied will feature a range of prominent Tasmanian speakers including thinkers, performers, entrepreneurs and creative people as part of TED’s ‘ideas worth sharing’
TEDx in Tasmania
Global Technology, Entertainment and Design organisation (TED) will hold a youth-focused event in Tasmania on Sunday. TEDx Youth@Huntingfied will feature a range of prominent Tasmanian speakers including thinkers, performers, entrepreneurs and creative people as part of TED’s ‘ideas worth sharing’