=== WP Deals ===
Contributors: onnayokheng, tokokoo
Tags: wordpress, plugin, deals, wp deals, wordpress deals, ecommerce, tokokoo, wordpress deals, store, store, store, checkout, widgets, reports, paypal, inventory
Requires at least: 3.4
Tested up to: 3.5
Stable tag:
WP Deals is a special-for-deals plugin where you can make, post, and share deals all around the people.
== Description ==
WP Deals is a special-for-deals plugin where you can make, post, and share deals all around the people just by downloading this plugin and make your own deals-site with it. WP Deals is one of Tokokoo’s network, so after downloading the plugin, then you can explore your site with the nice and gorgeous themes from WP Deals themes.
Quickly and easily create and edit products, manage attributes, assign categories (e.g. service, product, etc.) and tags (e.g. food, health, etc.) to your product offerings.
WPDeals includes a full featured shopping cart in which customers can easily add multiple deals or products to purchase. The persistent shopping cart technology allows customers to come back at a later time and purchase as well.
WPDeals automatically generates random unique codes and QR codes for each voucher but you can also enter your own custom codes. This can be used for selling physical products, downloadable goods, or daily deals. Customer can print the voucher details (voucher codes, purchased by, an QR codes). Also see the available downloads for the remaining deals.
We’ve added social sharing channels like Share This and Facebook to help you push more traffic to your site.
Within the admin panel you can quickly check the performance of published deals/products to see how many sales you’ve generated, if the minimum and maximum number of sales were met, and when each product expires (if applicable). CSV file export available in month or day for this month only.
Payment, Order Data, Order items (remove or edit), Save Order, Restock Order, Reduce Stock, or Email Invoice. Also order notes that see the action you do.
Members will have their own area to edit their information and view their purchases. Merchants can manage the deals they offer through the Business Dashboard.
If you’re using WPDeals you can easily update the software. When there is a new version of the plugin or theme available, you will see an “update automatically” link under each WPDeals plugin/theme listing. Just go to the Plugins page (Plugins > Installed Plugins) and the Themes page (Appearance > Themes) to see that “update automatically” link and click on it. Doing so will complete the update process for that specific WPDeals plugin or theme. This update link will only appear if you’re an existing Tokokoo member and there is a new software version available.
The WPDeals plugin includes a feature where you can quickly and easily paste in your Google Analytics embed code to gather traffic information (e.g. hits, unique visits, etc.).
Options include the ability to modify the URLs the application uses, remove expired products from the site, and utilize custom made add-ons that can hook into WPDeals.
WPDeals comes with integrated support for BACS (bank transfer), Cheque, and Paypal standard.
The WPDeals plugin include a Recent Deals and Related Deals widget that can be used to display side deals on the checkout page. This is a terrific way to up-sell customers into purchasing additional deals or products before checking out.
Customers will be able to get their vouchers/receipts easily with the purchases page.
Our plugin is plug and play and you don't need any extra plugins or other scripts to run your deals website. Also the installation process is very simple: you just use the Wordpress installer and upload the theme archive file and you are ready.
* WP Deals - The definitive Guide by Tokokoo.
* The WP Deals Plugin official homepage.
* Our great support forum community.
* Our GitHub.
* Follow WP Deals on Facebook & Twitter.
== Installation ==
= Minimum Requirements =
* WordPress 3.1 or greater
* PHP version 5.2.4 or greater
* MySQL version 5.0 or greater
= Automatic installation =
Automatic installation is the easiest option as WordPress handles the file transfers itself and you don’t even need to leave your web browser. To do an automatic install of WP Deals log in to your WordPress admin panel, navigate to the Plugins menu and click Add New.
In the search field type "WP Deals" and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found the plugin you can view details about it such as the the point release, rating and description. Most importantly of course, you can install it by simply clicking Install Now. After clicking that link you will be asked if you’re sure you want to install the plugin. Click yes and WordPress will automatically complete the installation.
= Manual installation =
If you would prefer to do things manually then follow these instructions:
1. Upload the 'wp-deals' folder to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
3. Go to the 'Deals Settings'
== Screenshots ==
1. Deals list
2. Deals Options account
3. Deals Options general
4. Deals Options paypal
5. Add/Edit Deals
== Changelog ==
= (2013-01-04) =
* Fix bug js admin
= (2012-11-21) =
* Add: language (po & mo).
= 2.0.1 (2012-11-07) =
* Fix folder
= 2.0 (2012-11-07) =
* update all core system
= 1.1.4 (2012-07-02) =
* Add: Coupon code
* Add: Filtering sales by status (completed/pending)
* Add: Now, you can get data total sales for each months
* Add: 5 top sales
* Add: IPN Tracker to loggin your paypal ipn transactions
* Fix: Sales reports
* Fix: Decrese stock value
* Fix: Update language translations
= 1.1.3 (2012-06-16) =
* Add: Adding a sales report chart
* Fix: Empty featured, but it'll still shown at the featured page
* Fix: Manual adding sales, but can't be display yet in users' history
* Fix: "Manager Deals" can't look into the sales page
* Fix: Localization is already done and can run now
* Fix: Adding new sales make it displays all users
* Fix: Fixing up the manual add new sales, now it can be displayed at customers' history
= 1.1.2 (2012-03-15) =
* Add: Choose pages can manually.
* Add: Adding menus on menu bar.
* Fix: Zero item for deals
* Fix: Archive on front page.
= 1.1.1 (2012-02-06) =
* Add: body class wpdeals-archives
* Add: Manual Payment with "Transfer bank"
* Add: Filter for excerpt deals
* Add: Multisite Support
* Add: Currencies (Indonesia and India)
* Modify: Error and Message display
* Modify: "Payment Gateway" method
* Modify: class Free for buy button
* Modify: Popup form for Free Deals.
* Fix: Buy now permalink
* Fix: View Type permalink
* Remove: File doc and tutorial library.
= 1.1 (2012-02-09) =
* Add: (grid/list) at front-end
* Add: Set/unset CSS style
* Add: User Roles (Customer & Manager)
* Add: Languages
* Edit: changed payment gateway method for multiple-payment
* Edit: changed admin page.
* Edit: change theme method. It will easy to make themes at WPDeals
* Edit: Random deals featured at deals setting.
* Edit: TimThumb Freedom :D.
* Edit: Archive/daily Deals available with sidebar
* Edit: Pagination
* Edit: Form Subscribe
* Fix: import xml.
* Fix: Upload file deals. now you can upload any files
* Remove: Statistics Reports.
= 1.0 (2012-01-20) =
* Initial release. Deals!